OSB is a layered product in which multiple layers of stacked wood chips. But each of these layers has its own characteristics and, in contrast to other particle boards, here everything is subject to a special system. Oriented strand Board (OSB) consists of three layers, while the outer layers have a longitudinal orientation of the chips, and the inner transverse. This solution allowed to create a material with very high strength, which is several times higher than the plywood or particle Board. In addition, oriented strand Board (OSB) has the additional characteristics of hozdeyatelnost and stability of the material as a whole.
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Oriented strand Board plate – marking
Today it is customary to classify plywood and OSB.
OSB-1. This type of oriented strand boards used in conditions of low humidity. Thus, we are talking about different articles for internal use. Most of this sheet is made of OSP furniture, various types of packaging and other trim elements or interior space.
OSB-2. These OSB's are used to create different designs in a dry place. In particular, oriented strand boards (OSB) can be made of walls and other separating elements of the interior.
OSB-3. Oriented strand Board plate with the label You can use in premises with high humidity for the manufacture of load-bearing structures.
OSB-4. Plate for structures who will be affected by the mechanical stress in conditions of high humidity.
Plywood OSB. For such OSB was made with the lamination process for the sake of giving them a different quality of surface.
Lacquered sheet swaps. The front side of the product previously varnished
Grooved sheet swaps. This material is often used in construction and repairs. At the ends of the plate connecting elements is made on the system of "groove-ridge"